Suicide Zero stock photo session

I was on the board of Suicide Zero for about two years. SZ is a non-profit org that aims to reduce suicide rates in Sweden by advocacy, lobbying and information to the public. Although I was a board member in my capacity as a psychiatrist I also helped out with photography. These shots are from a session where we collected …

Oskar and Magdalena

I was quite nervous for this one. We hade a couple of hours just before the wedding. Magdalena and Oskar had a romantic moment back in the day, it took place att Gullmarsplan subway station.

Anna and Andrea

My good friends Anna and Andrea got married this Summer. I was honoured to take their wedding photos. The foundation caring for Selma Lagerlöfs home were kind enough to let us shoot inside. It is essentially a museum so we had to ask what furniture we could use.

Sleeping beauties fashion shoot

Another Fashion Shoot for The Bulletin & Record. The theme this time was Salaula (Second Hand). I had decided beforehand that I wainted the models to be in different situations of sleep/rest. As usual, the director Vernon W was slightly sceptical but gave me and creative Catherind Fundafunda free reins.

Nkwasi Inflight Magazine

I took these photos on a family holiday to Namibia. Later they were picked up for Proflight’s inflight magazine Nkwasi. I also wrote my first travel article about the desert area of Soussusvlei.

High Tea in The Garden

Fashionstory for Zambian Magazine Bulletin & Record Featuring Designers Kajaal Vaghela and Kamanga Wear. The 4-page feature also had a discussion on race, gender and class by myself and creative Samba Yonga.

After the party

A shoot for a friends friends. They went all out and got clothes from second hand shops in Kalingalinga. Throwing dust at dresses, breaking heals. Good times…

We Effect

I shot video for a 5 minute short film about Bernadette, a dairy farmer outside Choma, Zambia. The video will hopefully be out soon so I can link to it. Here are some stills I took for We Effects member magazine. We Effect is a swedish NGO, one of the biggest Swedish contributors to aid and development. Their method is …

Alchemist Cover

I shot these portraits for the cover and articles in Alchemy Magazine. A Zambian association promoting women in leadership. I asked the models to bring an object that was personal. Cathy seems to have a weakness for shoes, Chisenga loves outdoor activities. So we brought a bush into the studio. Thx to Kaoma who let me use his triggers and …

Bulletin & Record

I shot these photos for a story on Zambian street culture for Zambian magazine Bulletin & Record. Text by Johan Rahm, director of Junior Reporters. Some photos are from a classroom where the bboys teach anyone who shows up about breakdance, for free. Some shots are from Street Culture, a quarterly event in Lusaka. The night shots are from a …